
Sunday, July 27, 2014

Humanoid Problems Closing/Changing Into Something New.

 Attention Readers: 
This blog is now closed. This is my last post here. 

Its time to do a different kind of blog that makes more sense. Some people just don't get it, and never will. That's ok, its time to create something new that's actually and invitation. This blog will remain online as long as the domain name does or less for a time then eventually I will delete it. To those of you still interested GO HERE to my new blog. Look at it this way, Humanoid Problems was the caterpillar and learning practice run and Being Humanoid is the butterfly. Have fun. Thanks for reading!

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Is Now The Time To Make a Change?

Ever created something and at some point it became apparent that it was time for a change? One of the gifts and talents of a Humanoid is the ability to create and destroy on a whim when its necessary or completely by choice.

There comes a point when you realize that no matter what there will be people who get you, as well as people who won't get you. There are things that are best left unsaid, as well as many things left personal secrets. You may get the context of something while someone else will not. You may have intended something to be satire and its taken literally, and other times things that are more figurative of speech are taken more litterally. Sometimes something amazing and expansive that showed up in your world has to be kept to yourself as 99% of everyone else can't receive it.

Just for me, Just For Fun, never tell anyone....

 You can receive something while someone else will not. I could spend the next few months aligning and agreeing or resisting and reacting (instead of receiving) who everything that has been thrown my way, or I can receive it all as it is, and ride that stinker into creating something new. Sometimes you discover what you created has to change into a new stage, and sometimes that means blowing up the whole thing and starting new.

There comes a day when you can cry about it all, pretend you are the pathetic pile pf shit everyone else says you are, or finally hear that part of you that you have been hiding finally says what you have been ignoring...

"Step Up.... B*ITCH!"

As of today, this is my LAST POST on what is known in the current 10 seconds as the Humanoid "Problems" Blog. This blog will remain for those of you who choose to read it and for those who get it.

In order to change, the previous part must die in order for greater to show up and be born...

If you would like to remain updated, LIKE THE BeingHUMANOID FACEBOOK PAGE.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Stepping Into The True Space Of Your Knowing

Some people when they say they "have been busy" they mean it as an excuse. And then there are times when a person really is busy.... busy generating and creating new things! And some people, like myself, just experienced the most dynamic change in my life. Not from Access Consciousness® (although this would not have showed up if it were not for the past 4 years on continuous clearings, Bars sessions, classes and whatnot which I will forever be grateful for), it came from ME, and what I know is possible in the world.

There are times in everyone's life where suddenly everything is different, its just different. You never know which of what things you are doing is creating the change in life, you just wake up one morning, you, just more of the YOU you truly be. Some mornings you start to wake up in the space of total joy and happiness. Grateful to be alive. Sure I had my dark and scary times, (haven't we all?) but I have discovered the dark and scary times where temporary, and something new and beautiful comes out of it in one way or another. There are times when others try to look at you as "less than" or go to competition with you based on some conclusion and definition they made of what you are or are not based on how you behaved with them, how your body looks, and various other factors. They test you, only not knowing you specifically chose to behave how you did with them to empower them to step up and show you what they got and what they can do and be in the world. To perceive how much of a kick ass being they are. There are times when you make a choice: do I keep myself in the small limited reality I have been living, or do I choose to get out of my comfort zone and be a difference. Do I keep choosing what feels "heavy" to make that solidity and density of this reality real and stay in the limitation I have decided was real that I know is not, I know more is possible? OR Do I start making the choices that feel "lighter" and expansive, and generative, and creative, and the ones that if I chose them my life will be better and different in the next 5 years from now? Yes.

Do I choose to go swap Bars with a former student of mine and current Bars Practitioner, and out of that Bars run what comes up is something I never knew was possible before? Do I step into this new space and new door that just opened for me? Yes. There was a pain/intensity in my lower back for years. Truth, what am I hiding back there? After this Bars session was over that energy suddenly moved out from behind me and into the palms of my hands.Things are changing so much I changed and added new things to my AidanSapphire.com website!

What do you do when suddenly in a split second choice, you make the choice to fully let go of the rules of this reality you were brainwashed and force-fed with and step into who you remember who you truly be. These are the moments when new things can be created, channeled, and birthed into the world to create the change in the world that the world requires. Have I been busy! You betcha!!! :P

What do you choose today my friend? Be careful what you ask for, you might just discover something beautiful about you you never knew was there....

....and it NEVER looks or shows up and actualities how you think it will... :)


Monday, June 16, 2014

What Kind Of Life Would I Like To Have?

What kind of life would I like to have?

(So I asked myself this question. I chose to write it all down, and be honest with myself...)

1. Travel and be in person or online at ALL the Foundation and Level 1, Level 2/3, BeingYou, Symphony Of Possibilities, ESB, or any other classes that Gary and Dain do. -Just for fun!

2. While I am out traveling and taking or teaching Access Consciousness® classes just for fun, stay in hotels and/or beautiful places that are pleasurable, fun, and expand my reality and my body's reality to beyond anything we can imagine is possible.

3. Be a Certified Access Facilitator and have an active license, -Whether or not I actually choose to use and create new things with what the license allows me to, have it anyways just for fun!

4. Be at ALL the 7 day and or any other Advanced Access classes - just for fun!

5. That group of Access people: Gary, Dain, Simone, Katerina, Blossom, Jonas, Shannon, etc... the people I always see at all the events and flying all over the world having fun and at all the classes, events, and parties. What would it take for me and my body to have what that group of people have? Not their whole lives, just the fun, play, money, and expansive change in the world? -Just for fun! What is it their lives that I would like to have in my life?

6. In those times in between travel and/or when I a otherwise choosing to be at "home" what would it take for me and my body to be living in a place that is unique and beautiful beyond anything I can imagine, and has an expansive and continually contributive energy? Gary and Dain's house for example, has this peaceful and expansive generative energy. What would it take for me and my body to be living somewhere like that? And if I am living with other people who are still currently living and each have their own body, what would it take for me to be living with people who do not judge me, do not judge my choices or the things I enjoy and expand my universe, receive me and my body just as we be, never force me to be someone or something I'm not, never attempt to force me to do anything me or my body does not choose or like to do,not afraid to touch, hug, or hold me when either of would like that, ask questions, never conclude anything,have total gratitude for me and I have total gratitude for them, believe in me, help me through my dark and scary times and help me unwind the places where I function from unconsciousness, and I for them, make me laugh, they must have a sense of humor and like to play, there when I would like them there and honor my request to be alone when I choose to be alone, and are a lot of fun to be around? And they are in Access.

7. I like a clean house, just not actually doing the cleaning myself. What would it take for me to have people that enjoy doing so, clean my house or wherever I am living everyday? Clean my car and or whatever else I don't choose to do myself. Especially if I have cats or any other animals.

8. For Bars and/or any other classes I choose to teach, what would it take for me to have staff that go out and find me venues for me to teach my classes in? People that make and receive phone calls and/or answer emails for me? People that are skilled in and enjoy marketing that advertise me and my classes and websites for me?

9. What would it take for me to have someone who has done Bars, Foundation, Level 1,2,3, Body Classes, and does not judge me or my body in any way, runs my Bars for me or does MTVSS or any other body process I choose for me every, day, week, or whenever I ask them to?

10. What would it take for me to have friends (that are still alive and have bodies of their own) who do not judge me, receive me just as I am, don't expect me to be any different than I already be, always ask questions and never go to conclusion about anything, have total graditude for me and I have total gratitude for them, are with me when I choose to be with people and honor me and my choice to be alone when I choose to be alone. People who know what I'm thinking of or asking for before I do and no jugment  of me or what I choose to do or not do.

11. (This one is private between me, my body, and the Universe) Sorry.

12. What would it take for me to be PAID shitloads of money for all the above? What would it take for me to just have way more money than I could possibly spend in my lifetime, and at the same time always generating and creating more?

What would it take for all this to show up, actualize, and be my life and my bodies life and reality as soon as possible?

What energy, space, and consciousness can I be that would allow all this to come to fruition with total ease?

If your life isn't what you would like it to be now, Ask for what you really would like to have. Be honest with yourself and don't judge yourself. Write it down then aim and shoot for your stars. Only you know what makes your being sing and what brings you ease and joy life.

 Are You willing to do that, for you? 


Sunday, June 8, 2014

The eMoble Code Scam. 10 Reasons You Should Pay Attention to Your Awareness Next Time

This post might seem a little off topic to the usual context of this blog. And its quite different from what I usually post. In a way yes it is, however there is a tie in I promise. - Its called: PAYING ATTENTION TO YOUR AWARENESS!!! :)

...and yes, this might also come across as a bit of a rant. A hilarious parody of stupidity perhaps!

For starters: everything that is TRUE causes you to "feel lighter and expansive." If you "feel heavy and contorted" its because its a lie. For more information on this and how to learn it yourself in more detail CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD MY FREE EBOOK ON THIS! Enjoy!

Lets see, where do I start with this one. If you already fell for this yourself you will be more that able to relate to this and what I write here. So for starters those of you who have not seen ads for this yet, Emoble Code (as its advertised) is a way to make money online with email and your cellphone with the press of a few buttons, a quick sign up, and *BAM* 2 hours later you will see $200-$1000 in your Clicksure account.

...by the way... there IS ONE way to ACTUALLY make money with this that I will get to later, and its probably the ACTUAL way that the creators actually make money, if you are really willing to do it after reading this, and throwing up in the toilet afterwords...

...anyways back to what I was saying. So basically the way this got started for me was my involvement in the mainstream "money making" and advertising world that exists. For those who don't know I am a woman of indeed many talents and can multitask across several different topics and realities that exist here on Planet Earth. Like many people, yes I have my energy healing and Access Consciousness® stuff, and then on the side I have other stuff in other categories I do. I have even had a few Bars clients who I met originally in the internet marketing community and it's totally changed everything for them and their online business. (So don't get your Bars run, you might change your whole business and make more money! That would be bad!) So here I was in the insane-everyday-everywhere- else-land of internet affiliate marketing and I randomly saw a banner ad Clixsense while I was posting an ad for one of my own non- energy healing related businesses, 7DollarMoneyOrdersInTheMail.com, when I see this ad. I don't remember what it said or looked like I just clicked on it out of curiosity. What came up was a black page and a video started. To be honest I watched the first half of it with the sound off as I'm pretty good at gauging complete and utter bullshit on a marketing video and 99% of the time I don't need to listen to what is being said. So here I see two people, a supposedly husband and wife team flashing a boat and a Rolls Royce all over the place (Reason #1: its probably rented for the weekend, especially if you "feel heavy and contorted while watching it." I have been around a person who actually owns a high end car and actually has shitloads of money and their energy is different, its more expansive and joyful.) So next in the video they decide to drive over to their "house" and what ends up is a big expansive mansion. (Reason #2: If it looks way too neat, clean, empty, and rented for the weekend, and you "feel contorted and heavy while watching it" ... it probably is. Again not joyful and expansive.) I continue to watch and eventually they wind up by the pool and the camera keeps making absolutely sure it gets ass and boob shots of the supermodel looking wife. (Reason #3: if you keep "feeling heavy and contorted" and there is an irking awkward energy each time he mentions show she is his wife, is she really his wife or just an eye-candy actress?) This is where she whips out an IPAD and shows all they money she is making with the Emoble Code program.... FOR FREE. She keeps repeating how free everything is. Actually they BOTH all throughout the video mention how free everything is and flash how much money they made. She is about to supposedly tell people how its done when their son calls the dad. He then spews a long drawn out line about how much money is made and blah blah blah. Throughout the video various people are shown to "try out the system live." There is even one "skeptic." Most of the people trying it out at first before they start somewhat seem like they are NOT acting. Even after the 2 hours or so and they log back into their Clicksure accounts they sort of seem like they are actually surprised they made money. The only time the cheesy fake acting factor kicks in is when they send in their week-later testimonial. The cheesiest, fake smiles you can possibly imagine to the point you wanna throw up. If you watched this video you know what I'm talking about. (Reason #4: if it seems like people in a video are reading a script and smiling in a way that makes you wanna barf, and the energy is so heavy, and it seems like they are trying too hard to hide something, its probably because what they are saying is the biggest line of bullshit ever created.)  The skeptic guy was the only one out the whole group that I could tell actually thought the whole thing was a line of bullshit. Even after he saw money and he got all excited he actually genuinely was excited about it as it had made him money. However even he with his video testimonial a week later was acting fake and reading a script as he had to keep secret the REAL way he was making money with the Emoble Code program.

From there on the rest of the video the program creator keeps repeating how free everything is and also mentions how EMAIL is the key and secret to the program. This isn't a secret, pretty much everyone in the internet marking industry or ANY industry with a website knows that having an email list and names will make you more money that one without a list. Or at least it gives you an easy way to contact people interested in your business and have requested that information from you. Ever wonder why most things on the internet ask for your name and email address? Now you know.

From here on this where the video got really interesting. The program creator mentions for the first time the low $49.00 supposed "pitch in" price. All through the video he mentions its free. The reason for the $49 cost is because "the support staff have to be paid." Now... I have one question for you, reader, to ponder about for the next few minutes.

Here we have seen people who supposedly are million and billionaires making and claim to HAVE tons of money....

Reason #5: If they REALLY ALREADY HAD the money, why would they need to charge YOU the person watching the presentation, $49.00 to pay the support staff? After all if they really had the money they claim they have wouldn't they be more than able to pay their own support staff? This has NOTHING to do with paying the support staff, forget the damned support staff claim, this is the place where they actually GET the money.

This was where I finally clicked off the video to attempt to leave the site. As I expected I was given a second offer with the title of "You Are Making a Big Mistake!!!!" (no In really don't think I am)

This is where the owner starts to get a little belligerent and angry with you. He gives you a discount and allows you in for $19.00. (btw, you can get into it for $9.00 if you click off of it again and try to leave from here.) So here I was and I pulled out my prepaid debit card (the one I keep a small amount of money on to use for buying stupid shit offers like this so I don't give them my REAL credit card info) and paid the $19.00. Why? Even after all these warning signs? Curiosity. I thought if I made money with it no matter how dumb it looked, awesome. If not, at least I can't say I did not "try it out." I could have first hand experience with it and know whether or not it actually was the worthless pile of shit I already perceived it was.

Needless to say....YES IT IS A WORTHLESS PILE OF SHIT! (I love my awareness!!!! How f***ing awesome is that!!!!! haha!!!!) First you have to endure 6 or so long drawn out videos pitching more BS ranging from $97- $297 or more, and more belligerent belittling of you the one with with card paying THEM money. Especially when you DON'T buy the offer and he tells you how stupid and retarded you are for not buying it. 3 hours later when I finally got through all the videos and sales pages, amongst broken redirect links that luckily I have enough website programming knowledge to have fixed myself to thus get me to the next part of the program to thus now 5 hours into this adventure, get myself to the members area.

In the end the product is just this: a page of 50 half-clocked website squeeze page scripts (a page that has a fast attention getting text on it that gets you to sign up on a mailing list) for various different niches (topics) that only works with Targently (an autoresponder script program that is probably owned by the creators of Emoble Code) which you have to pay $1.00 for the two week trial and $19.00 a month to use it), and you yourself have to go find a product that matches your chosen templates niche and pretend you know something about that product and write your own email list sales-letters in. The best part however are the training videos that don't tell you jack shit about how to do anything in your members area. Instead they are just sales videos for OTHER programs that the Emoble Code creator is pitching. I paid for the bottom ($19.00) level of everything so I have no knowledge of the Facebook product they offered or any of the upsell products they pitched, but if whats in the bottom basic level is any indication of anything I would not put much value in the other products either. Unless they gave you crap because what you paid in was crap. The only true discrimination in the world is whether or not you have money. If you have money you are ok. If you don't you are judged as something wrong with you..... (that sentence just gave me an awareness of something! I think ill add that to the money intro class I'm teaching in August!) Next you were asked to call their setup specialist and to listen to another offer, (No thanks I can already see where this is going.)

Reason #6: The less money you spend in this industry, the more likely all you will wind up getting is nothing more than a pile of crap.

If you have a website or buy a domain and create one and feel like spending the next month putting in the work to write up salesletters and putting up with the Targetly email creator NOT saving your emails and you have to waste more time rewriting them ALL OVER AGAIN and then going out and promoting and building THAT list or importing a list from elsewhere only for the Targently autoresponder to delete your entire list each day for no reason along with all your emails, written content, and designs.... you might be just happy as a clam with this final product.

Reason #7: If you sign up for an autoresponder service (Targently) that cant seem to hold onto your account database data everyday and then it wont let you cancel your account and when you do it tries to charge your card on file the $19.00 that is supposed to be charged 2 weeks from now as you are currently still on the $1.00 two week trial, and its the only autoresponder that the scripts work with unless you do hardcore re-coding of them all....  see where the problem is?

Reason #8: When you go back to the Emoble Code support page, such as it is, that supposedly will get back to you in 12 hours or less because of the $49 ($19.00 in my case) pitch in payment you made, "cause you know... these people just gotta be paid"... and request a refund and it takes them 5 days to get back to you, and the only reason they replied to you was because you pulled a little counter manipulation on them, pulled MASSIVE amounts of energy through whoever was able to log into their support staff and reply to you, and told them how valuable their product was and how you can see the value of all you got for $19.00... but "while I am grateful for all you have given me, I just don't have the time to do it all and would like my money refunded... please."

In my case, the transaction on my card had not cleared yet by the time I requested refund so what they did was cancel it on their end and instead of a refund the charge just became a hold and when the hold was released I got my $19.00 back on my card. As for the Targently situation I did not have the money on my prepaid card so it declined the charge they tried to take out without my permission and with that, and in not being able to get the money out of me, they finally closed my Targently account.

However, the support staff ALSO were nice enough to say they were leaving my Emoble Code Members account OPEN and active even though I requested a refund. (As a thank you for being willing to try out the program first) Wasn't that nice. :) I am able to still log into my account there once in awhile although there isn't much in that's useful to me right now. Except maybe a couple of images on some of the squeeze page templates.

Regardless of all this, the end product is nowhere near to the "A few clicks here and there to set up, walk away, and 2-3 hours later you have money filling your Clicksure or Clickbank account." that the sales video claims it is.

This was when I went and looked online and noticed other people online like HERE on The Warrior Forum had quite similar experiences with Emoble Code.

Reason #9: While there are MANY times where people will write total bullshit about things on various people and programs, If something "feels funky" about it and when you read reviews of things on other sites, AND you "feel lighter" while reading it and it similarly matches what you came across yourself, its probably an accurate account of what something is like. On the counter if you feel kind of heavy and contorted about what you read online about other programs or people, its because you reading a blatant made up lie from someone who just has an axe to grind with whatever its about over some stupidity that may or may not even be true in the first place. Especially if they tell you that they are right and if you disagree with them you are wrong. For them they aim to make sure you align and agree with them to make sure their lie becomes a reality. That's how it works here folks.

Reason #10: On many reviews I read of this the #1 constant that remained was how most people said how something did not "feel right" before buying it. It's interesting how many people I have seen in the few short weeks and months this program as been out who mention that they knew on some level they should not buy this product yet they did it anyway. We are taught to automatically conclude that "everyone will do the right thing" or "see the good in people" instead of asking questions and following our knowing. There is no right or wrong, just choice. This whole Emoble Code thing that's been advertised all over the place is reminding people on a mass scale of something we have all forgotten and trained out of here in our time in this reality-


Next time you read a sales page for some product or service... does what you are reading make you feel better, expansive, and happy? Or does it make you feel like you are weighed down and trying to control you into buying it? If it makes you LIGHTER, buy it. If not, don't.

Now I mentioned earlier as to HOW you CAN actually make money with Emoble Code: Yes, its called promoting the Emoble Code product itself. This is the 99% probability of what they ACTUALLY are doing to make money with it. The product itself is useless crap, yet the sales video and cheap prices at the end are the hooker that makes the money. If you sign up for Clicksure you can get your own Emoble Code affiliate URL and sell the product yourself as an affiliate. And you REALLY and ACTUALLY CAN get that for free. I know because I went and did it myself. In a way the sales video ISNT liying, just sign up for ClickSure, grab your version of the Emoble Code Affiliate URL, and show it to people and away you go. If you have a big as list (already) with 5,000 or more people on it and you email your Emoble Code affiliate link via ClickSure with a bitchin awesome salesletter and enough unaware stupids on your list willing to buy into the sales videos bullshit and buy the product yes you CAN probably make shitloads of money with it and get ClickSure paychecks. I could do this myself, but I'm not going to. Why? If I'm going to do anything its be a REAL contribution to others and money shows up in my life because they are grateful to me for me having helped them and changed their lives for the better. Because I'm not about to spew bullshit just to make money. And knowing what they get as the end result = ewww. No thank You. You see that is THE REAL way they made money. It has nothing do to with any of the scripts or any of the bullshit they give you in the members area. That's just filler so they have something they can use as "proof" that you got something in exchange for the money you paid. Its just well spun and marketed BS pitching the sales of nothing but air. The "product that sells" is basically the Emoble Code salespage itself. They just don't tell you that.

What would it take for you to be more aware of what is going on around you?

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Yellow Jackets, Hornets, and Wasps: An Alternative Energetic Approach to Your Yearly Summer Pest Control.

For Starters: If You DO NOT know the difference between Yellow Jackets, Wasps, Hornets, Bees, Bumblebees, or even animals that look like them but are not, CLICK HERE TO LEARN! before reading THIS article. Thank You! :)

So here we are my friends: Spring and Summer! The days are getting warmer, longer, sunnier, happier! We set forth this time of year to enjoy more outdoor activities than we do in and wear less clothing for the most part. Brighter colors and floral scents are about as we celebrate the planting and growing times of the year. The children will soon be out of school and the playtime will be in full swing. Ah...........


..................................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... *STING!!!!*

...and then you remember... "those guys!"

You know: These guys:

Those f***ers that will sting you if you f***ing look at em wrong. At least for most people. What a bummer is it to be attempting to enjoy and outdoor barbecue when some flying asshole decides to put you on his shitlist for the day and you get stung for doing absolutely nothing. You don't give a damn about his stupid nest and he bothers you.

For me, yellow jackets and wasps have been a rather interesting aspect of life on Planet Earth. I don't know about you but my Spring and Summer 99% of the time looked something like this:

Everyone else freaks out and gets stung, I never do.

Ok, so I stepped on a bee by accident when I was four years old. That I deserved as I stepped on the poor thing. As for Yellow Jackets and Wasps, I see them everywhere, both the paper ones and ground ones. I see other people get stung and I never do. Sure, I may have just been lucky. Or is it something else? So this past year I took a minute and put more attention on what I do when I am around these flying critters. 
First, I notice they may fly up to me, but then turn away. The paper wasps may fly by me and take a look at me then leave. Even the aggressive ground wasps that normally sting you for no reason come up like they are going to attack me, but then back away. What is this?

So I asked myself what was it I was doing that I was not aware of? What came up was interesting. First of all if you pay attention, all things in life communicate telepathically. Especially flying insects. The thing people don't get is when you get stung is YOU WERE WARNED! The wasp or yellow jacket does not know nor care that we stopped following our knowing and awareness. When people get stung, I can hear the warning in my head. Others do as well but don't pay attention to it. Then the person moves to an area and gets stung. People think that these insects sting because they are just being assholes. People also usually "feel scared" arround yellow jackets and wasps. 

The thing is, are YOU scared of the wasp, or is IT scared of YOU?

They KNOW that we can kill them. They know we can destroy entire generations and nests. That "fear" you are perceiving around them isn't yours. Its the wasp or yellow jacket's point of view of you. It just wants to live like anything else here. From their point of view we spray them and kill them for no reason at all. They see our homes and cars like they do trees and stuff in nature: a place to build a home. They don't know its an area that is traversed frequently by us? They just see us as mass murdering assholes with a spray can committing mass genocide on their species for no reason at all.
Have you ever noticed the more you kill the more they breed and the worse your infestation around your home and yard seems to get worse? Yeah, there is a reason for it. Naturally they keep control of other insects in the area and are part of the natural ecosystem. In order to keep up their numbers in order to do the job they already do for the Earth, on top of this, they also already assume you are planning on mass killing them again this year. So they breed double, triple, quadruple, to keep up their numbers.
We have been taught to live with energetic "walls" up. Be on the defensive. If we are always on the defensive what the hell do you think a naturally aggressive insect is going to do around you? Defenses up baby!

So here I am going to teach you a few little energetic tricks to help find some peace with your resident yellow jackets, wasps, and hornets:

  1. First, don't walk around "looking" for nests. Or for wasps, or yellow jackets. If you look for then, they will show up. Insects communicate by vibrations in the world around them, with different frequencies meaning different things. When you do this you give off the same frequency as a wasp or yellow jackets natural enemies do. Thus wasps and yellowjackets just might come looking for you. Go outside and enjoy and stop walking around with the "Mission Impossible theme" playing every time you go outside... looking for trouble. Walls down, relax.
  2. If you do see one, don't pay attention to it. If you are not "feeling that fear feeling" then it hasn't seen you and/or isn't paying attention, doesn't care, too busy with its life to pay attention to you. Keep on walking as if its not there at all.
  3. Now if you DO see one and DO suddenly "feel scared" ... that is not YOUR "fear" you are perceiving. That is the yellow jacket or the wasp's. When this happens look at it for a second then look away (If you stare at it, it means aggression. If you look and look away it means "I see you and know you are there, and I am not here to harm you"), just drop your walls and drop that energy. How do you do that? Just relax, or ask the walls to drop. When this energy comes up it means you are near its nest. Look and look away again. Ask in your mind "Where is your nest?" Don't verbally ask it. It can't receive the info in that format. Ask in in your head and imagine the question leaving you and going to the wasp or yellow jacket. It will send you the answer in the form of an image back in a second. It may take a few wasps to practice this with before you get it but generally you will get an image of an area of the yard. Once you get this next ask it/say "Do I have your permission to walk past? This is my path." and send a mental image of you and and other people walking back and forth on that route. For example, lets say the nest is in a wall on your porch. You and other humans/humanoids walk by there with your bodies daily. It is a transport way for you and others like you. Give the wasp/yellowjacket an image of you walking back and forth as well as other people. Wasps and Yellowjackets are territorial creatures. They will defend their territory, but they also will not intrude on others territory unless there is a deliberate attack to the colony. The reason we have a perceived "problem" with them is because they have no idea what is "our territory" is or where it is or any of that. They don't know our cars and our houses and mowed backyards, and roads are where WE live and "our territory" from their point of view. When you ask them permission to pass, let them know it is your path, and show them a mental picture, they get it. If it flies away, you are cleared to walk by. You may notice the nest is evacuated and gone in 24 hours. Why? That wasp or yellow jacket went "Oh, this is where they travel through. I don't like my family and my house being this close to a travalway that they are moving back and forth all the time. Its not safe." So they move elsewhere.
  4. You can also mass send out an image of the house, grass, porch, cars, driveway, or wherever else as you are walking around in frequently and send them the words "My nest, my territory, my path." This is similar to the signal they send out. If any are near they will get the message and usually move out of the area as they know now where your territory is. 
  5. Now lets say the nest did not go away or the wasp or yellowjacket keeps showing up in that area and you get an "angry" energy. Remember, YOU are not the one angry, you are perceiving a "challenge" from said wasp or yellowjacket. Sometimes, they have the point of view that area belongs to them anyway even though you already told them its belongs to you. Yes, just like in our lives, sometimes there are a few people who are just assholes. This is where you have to almost THINK like a wasp. In this case go to the area where you know the next is (not too close) and keep your walls DOWN. Relax. Think to them "This is my territory. If you choose to live, you have until sun up to leave, if you stay here, you will die." Send them an image of the whole next being sprayed with wasp spray and everyone dying. You might have one or two fly over and you will get an angry and scared energy in you. Remember that is THEM not YOU. They desire to live. KEEP YOUR WALLS DOWN Keep your emotional/energetic walls and defenses down during this. Stay relaxed and calm. Reason is if you say this to them and your walls are up you will get your ass stung. Keeping it down, they can't sting you because by their own "rules of war" so to speak, they only attack things they think are a threat in that moment and to them that means the other party is on the defensive. If you stay relaxed energetic defenses and walls down, and just allow you and them to be there, they won't as you are not giving them a reason to hurt you based on the energetic vibrations to are giving off to them. Think it to them 3 times: "This is my territory. If you choose to live, you have until sun up to leave, if you stay here, you will die." , "This is my territory. If you choose to live, you have until sun up to leave, if you stay here, you will die." , "This is my territory. If you choose to live, you have until sun up to leave, if you stay here, you will die."  Think it and give them the information with seriousness, yet don't fall into the fear and anger energy they are throwing you. You are giving them time to leave. 
  6. This is about the only time where being a "mass murdering asshole with a spray can" is is necessary. The next morning BEFORE the sun comes up while its still cold or cool outside (when they are inactive and still asleep), get up with a flashlight and a can of wasp and yellowjacket spray. The instant-kill kind preferably. Stand back and spray the hell out of where the nest is. Soak it fully. Then RUN like hell! Give the spray a few minutes to kill all insects. Only THEN go back with a flashlight to look. You will either see no dead insects, meaning they took your words seriously and left (the nest itself may still be there) or you will see the whole colony dead. You give them time to leave because they WILL go and tell others. This spreads the word among the colonies. If everyone else sees the whole nest dead the next day, all the other hornets, wasps, yellow jackets will basically go "Holy shit, they mean business! They really will defend their territory and they will actually do what they threaten! We are out of here!" From here on the word will spread that when you say "If you stay here, you will die", you really mean it. 
Over a short time you will have less and less of them. And they will have learned to stay away from your "territory" as now they know where and what they is. Please leave them alone if you can. Its in the areas where you walk and travel frequently that you have to remind them who is the boss of that area. Another thing you can do is get some paper natural wasp and yellowjacket deterrents and put them all over your home outside. That is a message they will get that THIS is YOUR AREA in a language they understand instantly. What I know of them is we have had one big ass misunderstanding with them. An epic level of language barrier. They don't really give a damn about you, they just wanna live. Just like you do. They don't sting you for no reason. Its our misidentifying what we are perceiving and our gifts and talents we have in being aware of it, as well as being on the defensive that gets us hurt. If you would like a different possibility in your yard and home with wasps and yellowjackets this Spring and Summer, do something different and address what the real "problem" is. YOU. What do you choose?

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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Is It Found Yet Or Not?

I wasnt going to bring this topic into this blog or so much as discuss it, especially since it doesn't exactly match the relevance of this blog and is more political than I prefer to go. (oh well!) Yet sometimes there comes a point with some things where ya just gotta say something when its bothering you. This may read as a bit of a rant (ok it is) on top of me not having had my Bars run in awhile. I just might be a tad edgy tonight...

Most people by now after almost a month know of the missing jetliner Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 that took off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport on its way to Beijing Capital International Airport on March 8th 2014 at 00:41 local time (16:41 UTC, March 7th 2014). Its the story that has kept a lot of people all over the world glued to their televisions and computers waiting and looking for updates on the search for the missing jetliner. While most of my time has been spent creating new things and going to what else is possible in this lifetime and for me, I admit I have gone to check every now and then as to updates on this jet since it crashed. One of the things I am VERY grateful for is past month of this missing airliner is the Access Consciousness tools I have learned and used is a tool that teaches how to tell whether someone is telling a truth or a lie with accuracy. (CLICK HERE to learn this tool yourself = 100% FREE!)
For me the past month I would read news stories and the energy around the whole thing reads for me energetically something like this...

  • True...
  • Lie
  • Lie
  • Lie
  • Lie
  • BULL***T LIE
  • lie 
  • lie
  • LIE
  • lie
  • true
  • halfway true
  • lie
  • lie
  • lie....
...and so on. There is this strange energy to this whole thing. An energy of being lead on a goose chase with continual moments of raising hopes, only to be told it was not what it was originally said it was. Has anyone else noticed how they (the countries involved in the search) will claim they see, wreckage for example all over the Indian Ocean, then claim that "We cannot verify it is related" and how they find debris floating and do searches and so on and have YET to actually pick up any pieces? It seems they go out every day to search for pieces yet have not brought anything back? They have flown over confirmed sightings of shit floating in the water.
I admit I am not expert on the conditions of the Indian Ocean and it being one of the hardest places to find something being such a big area of the world, and I know the search teams are doing the best they can with what they can... however...

If you find wreckage, and you are not sure what it is... THEN F***ING PICK SOMETHING UP!!!! Send a ship near it and go in and get things. Do tests, do something to find out if its from the plane or not. It seems like from the reports I have read they go out and LOOK for the plane, but have yet to actually have done anything other than just LOOK. They have wasted 2+3 weeks in LOOKING instead of DOING. Of and on of leads of debris, then reports on how they lost it, and reports on this and that and how there is some excuse for something, then they lose the debris, then so on  and so on. (I get it. They have had treacherous weather in the area to deal with and it wasnt safe to look or anything for a few days.) They claim they find something, then the next day its "Oh wait, sorry! False alarm!" The whole thing for the past almost month now has this energy of deliberate wasting of time. Its has quickly become a game of "crying wolf'. Whenever there is a development there is a reason for it unable to have something done with it.

Now yesterday and today news reports claim China's ship that is towing the listening device through the water has heard pings that read as a 37.5 kHz pulse signal. That signal matches the characteristics of a signal that is "consistent with an aircraft black box". Ok cool. Are you guys going to do anything about it or are you going to sit there and conveniently wait for the signal to vanish in 2 days from now, or come back with a report on how it was discovered to be just the sound of a whale farting underwater or something?

Another thing about this: Is this whole search and missing plane even real? Yes this is more on the conspiracy theory range of the whole event. The thing is, the whole world is glued to the news media over this. Is that the point? This thing reads with the question of...

"Did the plane actually disappear? Or was it taken somewhere and hidden on some island and the people on board the plane are still alive and and being kept hidden and imprisoned somewhere and the whole thing is a deliberately created distraction to keep peoples attention on this instead of other shit going on in the world?"

Or, did the plane fly through an unknown worm hole or unexplained scientific anomaly (This was the dream I had about this last night. Which was strange as I never dreamed of a missing airliner before... weird...) that the governments of the world know is there and have been hiding it from people and said wormhole takes someone forward in the future in that area and the governments know about it and are hiding it from everyone, and creating this elaborate search to make it look like they are looking yet they know where it really is? What if the plane is never found (cause its not here) shows up a year from now on March 8th 2015 out of nowhere and lands in Beijing, and for them it is still March 8th 2014 and have no idea they have been missing a whole year? Or 50 years from now on March 8th 2064 and for them it's still March 8th 2014? That might freak out a few people ya think?

Or what if: Its NONE of this?

What if the reason the plane has taken so long to be found has nothing to do with conspiracies, or government distractions, or stange Bermuda Triangle type paranormal stuff or anything.

What if its everyone on this planet that is keeping this plane from showing up?

One of the things a person in Access learns in the Access Foundation and Level 1 classes is this natural gift and talent we all have where we can make something disappear. (Take a Bars class and then do Foundation & Level 1 to learn more about that).

What if in our going conspiracy theory and distrust, and basically letting our learned fears, and continually putting our energy into it, and our minds going on a rampaging wild frenzy about this is what's keeping the plane missing?

Look at it this way: 7+ Billion people on Planet Earth hearing about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 everyday and watching the news updates on how the search is going, that on top of people making up stories about how "Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has been found", on top of "Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is a distraction for what's really going on" based on the conclusions people have created in their minds as to what that "What's really going on" means.

Add this to the families of the people who were on board who are upset about their loved ones (*HUGS for you all!* I am sorry for your loss) and putting all that energy out there, everyone else picking up on everything and thinking its them, and on top of everyone aligning and agreeing or resisting and reacting to everything to the point we are all driving ourselves batshit crazy.

And THEN, to make those fears and points of view real, we keep the plane missing for weeks on end with the gifts and talents we all have that no one ever told us we had, in the aim to create evidence that our fears and points of view are real. What if all of us continually putting our energy on this with conclusion, fear, anger, hatred, regret, sadness, or anything else is what is keeping this plane missing?

Yes the plane may be gone. Are you going to continue watching the news and feeding the reality that its missing with your energy and aligning and agreeing with everything? Or are you willing to ask that the plane come back now?

Yes. Ask that it come back now. 

 "Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, what would it take for you to show up and actualise back in this reality in a place where we can find you with ease? Whatever that is or whatever that looks like. Can you come back now please?"

Yes it sounds simple. Whether the plane is at the bottom of the Indian Ocean or if its hiding in a hanger on an island somewhere. Whether the people who were on the plane are still alive or dead, what would it take for us to find you with ease? Can you tell your black box pinger to ping louder and have the sound travel a longer distance so the ships dragging the listening devices through the water can be lead to where you are?

What if we all stopped freaking out and listened? This plane has been telling us EXACTLY where it is... Are you listening? Are you willing to stop feeding the crazy BS and backstabbing conclusions going on and just BE with it?

Everything has consciousness. Even missing airplanes. In this reality of conclusion and answers, what would it take for us to ask a question about this? What would it take to ask the plane for help in finding where it is? It doesn't matter whether its in one piece or in a million at the bottom of the sea. Its still here.

Are YOU listening?

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Sunday, March 30, 2014

The Line Between Access Consciousness Bars Facilitator and Certified Facilitator That Isn't.

First of all, Truth, is there really a line between the two types? Or is that what we have decided was so?

I just experienced something VERY interesting. For those of you reading this who have no idea what a Bars Facilitator is and what a Certified Facilitator is go HERE and HERE. Thanks.

So after a wonderfully fun day kicking ass teaching a Bars Class of my own yesterday I came home and just had a few moments to myself. That was until I logged into my email and checked my inbox. There was an email from Access regarding a change in policy with a few things that came up and was changed in the past week of Facilitators Training in Venice, Italy. One of those changes was a change that stated that Bars Facilitators are no longer allowed to create Access Related products.

This was where shit got interesting. Here I was totally happy and on cloud 50 when suddenly I'm pissed off and totally infuriated. I wound up sending back an email that said some things I probably shouldn't have and would not have if I had been paying attention. I got nailed with this wave of sheer anger and frustration. For about a minute I went from happy to psychotic bitch from hell in 2.0000093221 seconds flat. That was when I finally pulled the brakes so to speak and finally asked a question...

"Who Does This Belong To?"

This is an old Access tool that still works wonders. That was when I noticed it felt LIGHTER. Cool, none of that was mine. (FYI CLICK HERE for more details as to what this is). That was when I realised what I had just done. For starters, one of the many things I have learned about myself in my time so far in Access Consciousness is that I am really aware. As in VERY AWARE! Aware in ways that sometimes I wish I wasnt that aware of shit I really do not desire to even be aware of. Point being, in my awareness of being so aware, and on top of being a Bars Facilitator getting this email intended to update Access Facilitators of changes with policy, there were OTHER BF's who were reading said email. Whether everyone was reading it all at once or I just happened to perceive everyones heads all at once from the time they did actually read it it was in that moment I tapped into a bunch of other Bars Facilitators and what they were "thinking".

Note: Thinking stinks! Various different energies I perceived in that moment :  

"OMG! Access changes shit on me all the time!"       
                    "WTF? Just when I get something done they change it on me!!!  
"Why cant they just leave it the way it is?
                                                          "They can't make up their minds!"
             "What? I'm not allowed to create new things now?"
    What? Next am I going to have to be a Certified Facilitator to be allowed to so much as Breathe?" 

....and so on and so on.... That was when I went "What the hell am I doing and who does this shit belong to?" I also sent in an apology for my previous email. Two actually. Especially since I know this behaviour is VERY not me. In this moment I tapped into everyone else reading that email who had a point of view about it and went crazy of shit that wasn't mine to begin with.

This also gave me the awareness that, that... RIGHT THERE is the reason for the change. Simply put a Bars Facilitator isn't trained to handle creating new Access related products and so forth. The fact some of us went THERE in that moment (don't bother lying, believe me I heard what was in some of your heads) is a really obvious reason for the change. One thing I have noticed in the past 3 years of being involved in Access is the "line" between what a Bars Facilitator can and cannot do has been getting blurred. At least, that is the point of view of people coming into Access since the Bars Facilitator licence was first introduced.
What people have been doing lately is getting TOO comfortable. Too comfortable with staying at Bars Facilitator level and not having the drive to move beyond it. As a result, people have been pushing the limits as to what a BF can do due to avoid having to go through what has been perceived as difficult in going through all the prerequisites for being a Certified Facilitator.

People have forgotten that a Bars Facilitator is designed to do one thing...

TEACH BARS CLASSES! Teach the Bars Process! Thats it! 

We take 3 Bars classes once to get the license and then take Foundation and Level 1 every year to keep our license active each year and pay $100 a year to renew it each year. Or do Level 2&3 or a Being You Class, or an ESB, or a 7 Day, or any of the more advanced classes at least once in between our license renewal dates. We get monthly tele calls to support us and help us through shit and we get support from Access when we come across what we don't have an answer for. When we do the more advanced stuff yes we become more aware and are able to handle changing ourselves.

However the one thing we are NOT trained for is dealing with other peoples shit when it comes up!
(Hell sometimes we are not able to handle our own shit for shits sake, thats why we go to a CF for help!)

Whether we Bars Facilitators like it or not, there is a reason for Facilitators Training. While I have not been through it myself (yet) I do know that if something is in existence there is usually a 99% reason for it being there.Certified Facilitators are just that...

 CERTIFIED! Says so right in the name. That means they chose to get off their asses, got out of their comfort zone, got their ass on a plane or two, or ten or more, got their ass to classes in person, spent time going through shit, have been through ALL the training and thus have been through the processing and energetic clearings and rearrangement and stuff that gets their shit out of the way and prepares them to be able to work on and deal with other peoples shit.

I mean, this is what CF's have to do to get to where they are today: (Quoting the Access Website)

How To Become A Certified Facilitator:

In order to become a Certified Facilitator for the first time you need to take these classes:
  • 2 Level 2 and 3 classes (after Level One)* you can do one round of Bars/F/L1 classes and then a second round, you don't have to take 2 bars classes before taking Foundation, etc...)
  • purchase and read the reference materials (you can only do this after you have completed Foundation, Level One, Level 2 and 3 classes and must have completed Level 2/3 within the last 12 months to order the reference materials)(email Mary Menger to request purchase)
  • fill out the survey/questionnaire after registering for the facilitators class, this is based on the reference materials you read earlier
  • Attend ONE Level 2/3 class within the year
  • At least ONCE IN YOUR LIFETIME attend an Advanced ESB or SOP class with Dr. Dain Heer (3 or 3.5 day ESB; 3.5 or 4 day SOP)
  • Attend the Facilitators class each year
  • To keep your facilitators license you must either facilitate or attend a Foundation & One each year.
  • HIGHLY RECOMMENDED: attend Gary's annual re-write class of Foundation and Level One (currently twice a year)
Bars Facilitator: Hence the name- BARS Facilitator.... (Quoting Access Website again)

As a Access Bars® Facilitator you are certified to,
  • teach the Access Bars® Class
  • offer private sessions as a practitioner
  • host Access Bars® swaps
  • can facilitate intro talks on The Bars®


The prerequisites include:
(Note: If you have previously been a Access Certified Facilitator in the last 4 years, you qualify and can make application immediately)
  1. You have completed 3 full-day Access Bars® Classes with 3 different Access Bars®(BF) or Certified (CF) Facilitators
Point being: Bars Facilitator =  Kick ass Teaching The Bars Process ... ONLY
Certified Facilitator= Licensed to kick peoples ass into a new reality.

Bars Facilitators are trained to teach Bars to people. NOT trained to deal with helping people in more advanced situations. So thus creating Access products as a BF does not make sense as we have not gone through what it takes to be able to work with people, EXCEPT when it relates to The Bars. 

What does that mean? Bars Facilitators are "less than" and "lowly" from Certified Facilitators?.... Hell NO! 

We are just Different!

We are a contribution in a different way. Bars Facilitators are the ones that go out and teach the amazing Bars process to new people and contribute to "spreading the world" about it and get people ready to have their brains kicked out enough so people start frigging receiving and are ready to get their asses kicked into a new reality by the Certified Facilitators! There is no competition or who is better than who, just a choice as to how far you are willing to go.

Some Bars Facilitators are BF's cause they like being there and thats fine teaching just Bars classes. Or they are also an acupuncturist or a chiropractor, or a reiki practitioner, or an EFT practitioner, or something and do Bars as a side product or service to their main one. Some just like teaching Bars period. Thats all cool! Nothing wrong with that! It doesnt matter. The thing is what hit me energetically last night when I got that email and read it and got a download from the heads of some people .... Holy hell! Really? Chill people!

Truth: How many Bars Facilitators are staying at the BF level because they are hiding behind it? You have all this awareness and gifts and talents you know you have yet you are too scared (excited?) to take the next step? So instead of going for Certified Facilitator you push the limits of what a BF can do to try to do what you really would like to do without actually getting up off your ass and doing it in a way that allows you to have your shit out of the way so you can actually help other people.. You are scared of who and what you really are capable of and what part of you that you have been hiding if you went to Facilitators Training and got your CF license. Some of us have been getting too comfy with staying at the BF level because we are too scared to get out of our comfort zones yet we are bored with teaching only Bars classes. We are humanoids, I get it, we do something once it twice then we are done with it. How many of us would really like to be able to teach something other than just The Bars, but there is a waterfall of nails between us and the clearings and things that will allow who we really are out so we can actually be in a space where we can actually teach those classes and create our own stuff, yet we are not willing to go through the waterfall of nails to get to that place on the other side? Are we are not willing to go through getting cut up and possibly injured or killed to get to where we really would like to go? Could an infinite being really be cut up, injured or killed? Or have we bought that we will be if we go for what we really choose to do, we think we can't so we are attempting to do what we are not ready to do in the first place? 
Some of you reading this are going to REALLY be pissed at me cause you know I'm hitting your buttons right now and you have not been willing to be aware of what you have been doing, and I'm a Bars Facilitator and you are calling me a hypocrite because I'm going here with this. Ok cool! Bring it on! Or remember that phrase called "Interesting Point Of View?" :)
You choose what you choose. I'm willing to admit as a BF I'm not trained to deal with other peoples shit aside from Bars. Are you? Or are you going to keep trying to make BF what it was never designed to be in the first place? 

Certified Facilitators are for one thing, Bars Facilitators for another. We are two different things.If you wanna be a Certified Facilitator and be able to teach more classes and create your own stuff and create material with Access products and your creativity level to be set free, get off your ass and go for it. If you wanna teach The Bars and teach just Bars classes, stay a Bars Facilitator. Thats what its designed for. BARS. Period. Choose to do something else? Go for Certified and see what you really are capable if you have been hiding from everyone that you never wanted to know you were capable of. And I say this for myself as well. I'm done looking at myself as less than and I admit it, I would like to teach and do things other than just Bars. I've been doing Bars for over a year. Time for something new!

What if there is no line between the two? What if it really is just a choice? Be whichever one works for you but stop trying to make Bars Facilitator into what it was never designed to be in the first place.
And whoevers crap I perceived last night... chill people! Holy hell, sometimes I hate being aware of shit. So Access changed something? Big deal, get over it! Access changes shit every 5 minutes. If you don't like change get the hell out of Access and do what really works for you. Simple. 

This has been an interesting day. While I know what you're thinking (sometimes unfortunately) I am not sure where you choose to go next. Personally while I have enjoyed it, its been fun, I'm bored being a Bars Facilitator, I've been here and done that. You may not be. I don't care how long it takes, be it 5 years or 10 years from now, and while yes I will keep my BF license active and teach Bars classes for anyone who chooses it and chooses me to teach it to them... I'm going for Certified Facilitator. 

How about you? Anyone up for cocktails with me in Costa Rica this year? 

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Truth: What is Your Reason and Justification for Not Having Money?

So here I was at 6:30 pm noticing I'm out of basic food staples for the month like butter, gluten free bread, milk, cheese, and coffee. My food stamp card was just reloaded so I went out tonight to get some basic stuff until I would go out and get the rest of what my body requires tomorrow or in a couple of days. I went about a couple of stores and got the stuff and on my way home I noticed I'm getting low on gas. Cool, what would it take for more gas for my car to show up and actualize?
A few months back I asked myself the following question...

"What Point Of View about Money do I have I don't know or remember I have that's creating my financial reality as it currently is?

Money has always been a strange area in my life. I have had moments where I had lots of money and moments were I was homeless and had all of $0.27 cents in my pocket. I never could quite "figure out" how to live here in this reality. I grew up in a family were we lived like we had tons of money when in reality my parents did not (they kept getting loans and refinancing the house I grew up in). Over the years my family sold the house, moved to Oregon, bought another house, then lost the house to foreclosure. Personally I have had money show up like magic out of no ware when there was something I REALLY desired and chose to do (like take Access Consciousness classes and become Bars Facilitator), and other times where there were things I REALLY desired to do and knew would contribute to me, and the money never showed up. I have had moments of struggle, moments like right now where I'm doing off the wall mini jobs under the table just to survive and make $3.00 a day (yes way UNDER the minimum wage). If someone chooses to come to me to teach them Bars then that's $200 or $100 per student. Cool! How does it get any better than that? In short doing whatever I have to. I have ups and downs in money frequently. Generally I will allow enough in to pay for what I absolutely must if money is the only way Ill get it, then I get rid of the extra so I go back to not having it. What the hell is going on??? 

So back to me driving home: I am at a stop light when out of noware the following "thought" popped into my head...

What if my finances are as they are because I am intentionally choosing to experience what it is like to live WITHOUT money?
I hit the gas and keep driving down the road when the light turns green, then next I ask myself:

"In other lifetimes, have I always had more money than I could possibly spend?" 

I got the awareness of how in other lifetimes where I always inherited it, or if I was born into a poor family I was married into a rich family, or born to parents with billions and billions of gold, or born into royalty, or born into a family that already invented something that generated and created lots of money, or "struck oil" or whatever it was.

"In all those lifetimes did I always have so much money I could pay someone else to do everything for me? And thus, I have never had to do or generate and create anything, including money, for myself before?"


Think of it this way.... as an Infinite Being, you can choose to be and do anything. Put yourself in this space: nothing can hurt you and you can have or do whatever you choose when you choose it. So lets say you have never done or experienced something before and  you go "Hey! I wonder what that is like?" Like when you are a kid and you do something (stupid) like put your finger in a electrical socket to experience what an electric shock is like. Or you do something once to see what its like simply due to never having experienced it before. So I have been and done HAVING money before, lets try something new!

What if, I have never NOT had money before? 

Next I asked:

"Did I come into this lifetime to experience what living WITHOUT money was like because I have never experienced what that was like before?"

(This was when the tears started to flow).... YES!

"Did I come into this lifetime with the intention to learn how to generate and create my own money myself and do things for myself and what it is like to live that way as I have never had to do that before?"


GAH!! OWWWWWCCCCHHHH!!!! Owowowowowowow!!!!! Oweeeee!!!!! GAHH!

I pull into the driveway crying and laughing historically at the same time, and all the dense crap energy I had my whole life went *POOF*!

Ok Universe! I claim, own, and acknowledge that I chose that! POC n POD that!

Now mind you I also noticed I seem to have come in here this lifetime on the "Novice Easy Level"setting for "Living without money" experience..... I always have made sure I had everything my body required to live. I always had at least a car with the heat or air conditioner to live it when things got "bad." I would get rid of the money so it made things more difficult so I can still experience what it is like.

I also realize I had the Point of View that I chose to come in here this time around and experience not having money due to a past lifetime where I was very wealthy (and a bit of a asshole in that life and since I had so much money it was always there, yet I also was not grateful for it being there.) and met someone who had no money. They asked me for money for food and I turned them down as then I had the POV they were just too lazy to "earn it" themselves. The next day I felt bad about how I behaved and went to go find the person to give them the money and apologize for how I treated them. I found out he had killed himself. In that moment I blamed me and judged myself for the whole thing and that was when I decided come back with no money to experience what it was like to live without it, with the point of view that having money was a wrongness. (Instead of just acknowledging "Ok! So I can be an asshole sometimes! How does it get any better that that?)

Ok, I claim, own, and knowledge I chose that. POC and POD that. Tonight I'm grateful for my life as it has been and for what I chose to put myself through.

Thank You. Now what would it take to change this? Ok I get it now, not having money sucks. What would it take for me to have so much money I can't possibly spend it all in this lifetime again?

What is YOUR reason for the crazy shit you do or do not do with money?