
Saturday, April 12, 2014

Yellow Jackets, Hornets, and Wasps: An Alternative Energetic Approach to Your Yearly Summer Pest Control.

For Starters: If You DO NOT know the difference between Yellow Jackets, Wasps, Hornets, Bees, Bumblebees, or even animals that look like them but are not, CLICK HERE TO LEARN! before reading THIS article. Thank You! :)

So here we are my friends: Spring and Summer! The days are getting warmer, longer, sunnier, happier! We set forth this time of year to enjoy more outdoor activities than we do in and wear less clothing for the most part. Brighter colors and floral scents are about as we celebrate the planting and growing times of the year. The children will soon be out of school and the playtime will be in full swing. Ah...........


..................................zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.... *STING!!!!*

...and then you remember... "those guys!"

You know: These guys:

Those f***ers that will sting you if you f***ing look at em wrong. At least for most people. What a bummer is it to be attempting to enjoy and outdoor barbecue when some flying asshole decides to put you on his shitlist for the day and you get stung for doing absolutely nothing. You don't give a damn about his stupid nest and he bothers you.

For me, yellow jackets and wasps have been a rather interesting aspect of life on Planet Earth. I don't know about you but my Spring and Summer 99% of the time looked something like this:

Everyone else freaks out and gets stung, I never do.

Ok, so I stepped on a bee by accident when I was four years old. That I deserved as I stepped on the poor thing. As for Yellow Jackets and Wasps, I see them everywhere, both the paper ones and ground ones. I see other people get stung and I never do. Sure, I may have just been lucky. Or is it something else? So this past year I took a minute and put more attention on what I do when I am around these flying critters. 
First, I notice they may fly up to me, but then turn away. The paper wasps may fly by me and take a look at me then leave. Even the aggressive ground wasps that normally sting you for no reason come up like they are going to attack me, but then back away. What is this?

So I asked myself what was it I was doing that I was not aware of? What came up was interesting. First of all if you pay attention, all things in life communicate telepathically. Especially flying insects. The thing people don't get is when you get stung is YOU WERE WARNED! The wasp or yellow jacket does not know nor care that we stopped following our knowing and awareness. When people get stung, I can hear the warning in my head. Others do as well but don't pay attention to it. Then the person moves to an area and gets stung. People think that these insects sting because they are just being assholes. People also usually "feel scared" arround yellow jackets and wasps. 

The thing is, are YOU scared of the wasp, or is IT scared of YOU?

They KNOW that we can kill them. They know we can destroy entire generations and nests. That "fear" you are perceiving around them isn't yours. Its the wasp or yellow jacket's point of view of you. It just wants to live like anything else here. From their point of view we spray them and kill them for no reason at all. They see our homes and cars like they do trees and stuff in nature: a place to build a home. They don't know its an area that is traversed frequently by us? They just see us as mass murdering assholes with a spray can committing mass genocide on their species for no reason at all.
Have you ever noticed the more you kill the more they breed and the worse your infestation around your home and yard seems to get worse? Yeah, there is a reason for it. Naturally they keep control of other insects in the area and are part of the natural ecosystem. In order to keep up their numbers in order to do the job they already do for the Earth, on top of this, they also already assume you are planning on mass killing them again this year. So they breed double, triple, quadruple, to keep up their numbers.
We have been taught to live with energetic "walls" up. Be on the defensive. If we are always on the defensive what the hell do you think a naturally aggressive insect is going to do around you? Defenses up baby!

So here I am going to teach you a few little energetic tricks to help find some peace with your resident yellow jackets, wasps, and hornets:

  1. First, don't walk around "looking" for nests. Or for wasps, or yellow jackets. If you look for then, they will show up. Insects communicate by vibrations in the world around them, with different frequencies meaning different things. When you do this you give off the same frequency as a wasp or yellow jackets natural enemies do. Thus wasps and yellowjackets just might come looking for you. Go outside and enjoy and stop walking around with the "Mission Impossible theme" playing every time you go outside... looking for trouble. Walls down, relax.
  2. If you do see one, don't pay attention to it. If you are not "feeling that fear feeling" then it hasn't seen you and/or isn't paying attention, doesn't care, too busy with its life to pay attention to you. Keep on walking as if its not there at all.
  3. Now if you DO see one and DO suddenly "feel scared" ... that is not YOUR "fear" you are perceiving. That is the yellow jacket or the wasp's. When this happens look at it for a second then look away (If you stare at it, it means aggression. If you look and look away it means "I see you and know you are there, and I am not here to harm you"), just drop your walls and drop that energy. How do you do that? Just relax, or ask the walls to drop. When this energy comes up it means you are near its nest. Look and look away again. Ask in your mind "Where is your nest?" Don't verbally ask it. It can't receive the info in that format. Ask in in your head and imagine the question leaving you and going to the wasp or yellow jacket. It will send you the answer in the form of an image back in a second. It may take a few wasps to practice this with before you get it but generally you will get an image of an area of the yard. Once you get this next ask it/say "Do I have your permission to walk past? This is my path." and send a mental image of you and and other people walking back and forth on that route. For example, lets say the nest is in a wall on your porch. You and other humans/humanoids walk by there with your bodies daily. It is a transport way for you and others like you. Give the wasp/yellowjacket an image of you walking back and forth as well as other people. Wasps and Yellowjackets are territorial creatures. They will defend their territory, but they also will not intrude on others territory unless there is a deliberate attack to the colony. The reason we have a perceived "problem" with them is because they have no idea what is "our territory" is or where it is or any of that. They don't know our cars and our houses and mowed backyards, and roads are where WE live and "our territory" from their point of view. When you ask them permission to pass, let them know it is your path, and show them a mental picture, they get it. If it flies away, you are cleared to walk by. You may notice the nest is evacuated and gone in 24 hours. Why? That wasp or yellow jacket went "Oh, this is where they travel through. I don't like my family and my house being this close to a travalway that they are moving back and forth all the time. Its not safe." So they move elsewhere.
  4. You can also mass send out an image of the house, grass, porch, cars, driveway, or wherever else as you are walking around in frequently and send them the words "My nest, my territory, my path." This is similar to the signal they send out. If any are near they will get the message and usually move out of the area as they know now where your territory is. 
  5. Now lets say the nest did not go away or the wasp or yellowjacket keeps showing up in that area and you get an "angry" energy. Remember, YOU are not the one angry, you are perceiving a "challenge" from said wasp or yellowjacket. Sometimes, they have the point of view that area belongs to them anyway even though you already told them its belongs to you. Yes, just like in our lives, sometimes there are a few people who are just assholes. This is where you have to almost THINK like a wasp. In this case go to the area where you know the next is (not too close) and keep your walls DOWN. Relax. Think to them "This is my territory. If you choose to live, you have until sun up to leave, if you stay here, you will die." Send them an image of the whole next being sprayed with wasp spray and everyone dying. You might have one or two fly over and you will get an angry and scared energy in you. Remember that is THEM not YOU. They desire to live. KEEP YOUR WALLS DOWN Keep your emotional/energetic walls and defenses down during this. Stay relaxed and calm. Reason is if you say this to them and your walls are up you will get your ass stung. Keeping it down, they can't sting you because by their own "rules of war" so to speak, they only attack things they think are a threat in that moment and to them that means the other party is on the defensive. If you stay relaxed energetic defenses and walls down, and just allow you and them to be there, they won't as you are not giving them a reason to hurt you based on the energetic vibrations to are giving off to them. Think it to them 3 times: "This is my territory. If you choose to live, you have until sun up to leave, if you stay here, you will die." , "This is my territory. If you choose to live, you have until sun up to leave, if you stay here, you will die." , "This is my territory. If you choose to live, you have until sun up to leave, if you stay here, you will die."  Think it and give them the information with seriousness, yet don't fall into the fear and anger energy they are throwing you. You are giving them time to leave. 
  6. This is about the only time where being a "mass murdering asshole with a spray can" is is necessary. The next morning BEFORE the sun comes up while its still cold or cool outside (when they are inactive and still asleep), get up with a flashlight and a can of wasp and yellowjacket spray. The instant-kill kind preferably. Stand back and spray the hell out of where the nest is. Soak it fully. Then RUN like hell! Give the spray a few minutes to kill all insects. Only THEN go back with a flashlight to look. You will either see no dead insects, meaning they took your words seriously and left (the nest itself may still be there) or you will see the whole colony dead. You give them time to leave because they WILL go and tell others. This spreads the word among the colonies. If everyone else sees the whole nest dead the next day, all the other hornets, wasps, yellow jackets will basically go "Holy shit, they mean business! They really will defend their territory and they will actually do what they threaten! We are out of here!" From here on the word will spread that when you say "If you stay here, you will die", you really mean it. 
Over a short time you will have less and less of them. And they will have learned to stay away from your "territory" as now they know where and what they is. Please leave them alone if you can. Its in the areas where you walk and travel frequently that you have to remind them who is the boss of that area. Another thing you can do is get some paper natural wasp and yellowjacket deterrents and put them all over your home outside. That is a message they will get that THIS is YOUR AREA in a language they understand instantly. What I know of them is we have had one big ass misunderstanding with them. An epic level of language barrier. They don't really give a damn about you, they just wanna live. Just like you do. They don't sting you for no reason. Its our misidentifying what we are perceiving and our gifts and talents we have in being aware of it, as well as being on the defensive that gets us hurt. If you would like a different possibility in your yard and home with wasps and yellowjackets this Spring and Summer, do something different and address what the real "problem" is. YOU. What do you choose?

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Sunday, April 6, 2014

Malaysia Airlines Flight 370: Is It Found Yet Or Not?

I wasnt going to bring this topic into this blog or so much as discuss it, especially since it doesn't exactly match the relevance of this blog and is more political than I prefer to go. (oh well!) Yet sometimes there comes a point with some things where ya just gotta say something when its bothering you. This may read as a bit of a rant (ok it is) on top of me not having had my Bars run in awhile. I just might be a tad edgy tonight...

Most people by now after almost a month know of the missing jetliner Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 that took off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport on its way to Beijing Capital International Airport on March 8th 2014 at 00:41 local time (16:41 UTC, March 7th 2014). Its the story that has kept a lot of people all over the world glued to their televisions and computers waiting and looking for updates on the search for the missing jetliner. While most of my time has been spent creating new things and going to what else is possible in this lifetime and for me, I admit I have gone to check every now and then as to updates on this jet since it crashed. One of the things I am VERY grateful for is past month of this missing airliner is the Access Consciousness tools I have learned and used is a tool that teaches how to tell whether someone is telling a truth or a lie with accuracy. (CLICK HERE to learn this tool yourself = 100% FREE!)
For me the past month I would read news stories and the energy around the whole thing reads for me energetically something like this...

  • True...
  • Lie
  • Lie
  • Lie
  • Lie
  • BULL***T LIE
  • lie 
  • lie
  • LIE
  • lie
  • true
  • halfway true
  • lie
  • lie
  • lie....
...and so on. There is this strange energy to this whole thing. An energy of being lead on a goose chase with continual moments of raising hopes, only to be told it was not what it was originally said it was. Has anyone else noticed how they (the countries involved in the search) will claim they see, wreckage for example all over the Indian Ocean, then claim that "We cannot verify it is related" and how they find debris floating and do searches and so on and have YET to actually pick up any pieces? It seems they go out every day to search for pieces yet have not brought anything back? They have flown over confirmed sightings of shit floating in the water.
I admit I am not expert on the conditions of the Indian Ocean and it being one of the hardest places to find something being such a big area of the world, and I know the search teams are doing the best they can with what they can... however...

If you find wreckage, and you are not sure what it is... THEN F***ING PICK SOMETHING UP!!!! Send a ship near it and go in and get things. Do tests, do something to find out if its from the plane or not. It seems like from the reports I have read they go out and LOOK for the plane, but have yet to actually have done anything other than just LOOK. They have wasted 2+3 weeks in LOOKING instead of DOING. Of and on of leads of debris, then reports on how they lost it, and reports on this and that and how there is some excuse for something, then they lose the debris, then so on  and so on. (I get it. They have had treacherous weather in the area to deal with and it wasnt safe to look or anything for a few days.) They claim they find something, then the next day its "Oh wait, sorry! False alarm!" The whole thing for the past almost month now has this energy of deliberate wasting of time. Its has quickly become a game of "crying wolf'. Whenever there is a development there is a reason for it unable to have something done with it.

Now yesterday and today news reports claim China's ship that is towing the listening device through the water has heard pings that read as a 37.5 kHz pulse signal. That signal matches the characteristics of a signal that is "consistent with an aircraft black box". Ok cool. Are you guys going to do anything about it or are you going to sit there and conveniently wait for the signal to vanish in 2 days from now, or come back with a report on how it was discovered to be just the sound of a whale farting underwater or something?

Another thing about this: Is this whole search and missing plane even real? Yes this is more on the conspiracy theory range of the whole event. The thing is, the whole world is glued to the news media over this. Is that the point? This thing reads with the question of...

"Did the plane actually disappear? Or was it taken somewhere and hidden on some island and the people on board the plane are still alive and and being kept hidden and imprisoned somewhere and the whole thing is a deliberately created distraction to keep peoples attention on this instead of other shit going on in the world?"

Or, did the plane fly through an unknown worm hole or unexplained scientific anomaly (This was the dream I had about this last night. Which was strange as I never dreamed of a missing airliner before... weird...) that the governments of the world know is there and have been hiding it from people and said wormhole takes someone forward in the future in that area and the governments know about it and are hiding it from everyone, and creating this elaborate search to make it look like they are looking yet they know where it really is? What if the plane is never found (cause its not here) shows up a year from now on March 8th 2015 out of nowhere and lands in Beijing, and for them it is still March 8th 2014 and have no idea they have been missing a whole year? Or 50 years from now on March 8th 2064 and for them it's still March 8th 2014? That might freak out a few people ya think?

Or what if: Its NONE of this?

What if the reason the plane has taken so long to be found has nothing to do with conspiracies, or government distractions, or stange Bermuda Triangle type paranormal stuff or anything.

What if its everyone on this planet that is keeping this plane from showing up?

One of the things a person in Access learns in the Access Foundation and Level 1 classes is this natural gift and talent we all have where we can make something disappear. (Take a Bars class and then do Foundation & Level 1 to learn more about that).

What if in our going conspiracy theory and distrust, and basically letting our learned fears, and continually putting our energy into it, and our minds going on a rampaging wild frenzy about this is what's keeping the plane missing?

Look at it this way: 7+ Billion people on Planet Earth hearing about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 everyday and watching the news updates on how the search is going, that on top of people making up stories about how "Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 has been found", on top of "Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is a distraction for what's really going on" based on the conclusions people have created in their minds as to what that "What's really going on" means.

Add this to the families of the people who were on board who are upset about their loved ones (*HUGS for you all!* I am sorry for your loss) and putting all that energy out there, everyone else picking up on everything and thinking its them, and on top of everyone aligning and agreeing or resisting and reacting to everything to the point we are all driving ourselves batshit crazy.

And THEN, to make those fears and points of view real, we keep the plane missing for weeks on end with the gifts and talents we all have that no one ever told us we had, in the aim to create evidence that our fears and points of view are real. What if all of us continually putting our energy on this with conclusion, fear, anger, hatred, regret, sadness, or anything else is what is keeping this plane missing?

Yes the plane may be gone. Are you going to continue watching the news and feeding the reality that its missing with your energy and aligning and agreeing with everything? Or are you willing to ask that the plane come back now?

Yes. Ask that it come back now. 

 "Malaysia Airlines Flight 370, what would it take for you to show up and actualise back in this reality in a place where we can find you with ease? Whatever that is or whatever that looks like. Can you come back now please?"

Yes it sounds simple. Whether the plane is at the bottom of the Indian Ocean or if its hiding in a hanger on an island somewhere. Whether the people who were on the plane are still alive or dead, what would it take for us to find you with ease? Can you tell your black box pinger to ping louder and have the sound travel a longer distance so the ships dragging the listening devices through the water can be lead to where you are?

What if we all stopped freaking out and listened? This plane has been telling us EXACTLY where it is... Are you listening? Are you willing to stop feeding the crazy BS and backstabbing conclusions going on and just BE with it?

Everything has consciousness. Even missing airplanes. In this reality of conclusion and answers, what would it take for us to ask a question about this? What would it take to ask the plane for help in finding where it is? It doesn't matter whether its in one piece or in a million at the bottom of the sea. Its still here.

Are YOU listening?

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